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 Last Ditch Racing is proud to present the inaugural "Last Ditch Racing-Triple Caution Thong Award," to fellow New Englander Chris Sanborn and DJ Emmons for their stunning performance at the Susquehannock Trail ProRally in Pennsylvania. The thong is part of Last Ditch Racing's line of merchandise and can be seen at

Sanborn and Hathaway win the award by creeping from the back to the front of the pack, as a thong might, gaining 39 positions in the rally. The team finished 20th after starting in 59th position.
"I would like to thank Last Ditch Racing for the award and the STPR event team for making this a great event. I couldn't have done it without my crew Dave Siesicki and the superb effort of my navigator DJ Emmons. Neither of us have ever rallied on these roads or for that matter ever used course notes before,his adaptation to the unknown environment was of an immense contribution to our speed. I would also owe a deep appreciation to Paul Benn and Andrew(Wilky) Wilkenson of Cockermouth Cumbria UK for their never ending support on putting together the car along with Bruno Kriebich of Queens NY for just good advice on rallying. I also couldn't of done it without Ford building such a good product and for Michelin,my tires were 7 years old and used to boot ,they handled incredibly well with absolutely no problems, a sign of how good they are. Thanks to all the spectators out there and I appreciated the support very much."

Last Ditch Racing, a Maine based ProRally team will be offering the
Thong Award at all events they participate in until the end of the season. The criteria will be different for each event. Says LDR team owner/driver, John Cassidy, "I think that the Thong Award will become a most sought after award. I think that we might even see the factory teams shooting for the Thong specifically, rather than an outright win-it'll be interesting to watch!"

Cassidy is unsure if Sanborn and Hathaway were pushing hard specifically to take home the Thong. "I could see why they might," said Cassidy, "the thong is probably the sauciest piece of rally related kit on the market at present! We'd like to think that whether you're coming over a blind crest or on a blind date, you'll be fine in your Triple Caution Thong."

For more information on Last Ditch Racing, please visit To order your very own Triple Caution Thong or other LDR merchandise, please visit

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