Dave Getchell: February 2002 Archives
A Maine Yankee crew grows up (sort of) at Quebec's Rallye Baie des Chaleurs
Where else but Canada could a rally team finish dead last but still win prize $$$ ?
The Bangor, Maine-based Last Ditch Racing Team is just back from Rallye Baie des Chaleurs in Quebec, running its first national rally after years of paying dues in regional events. Running with the big dogs is a real eye-opener and true experiential education in the world of rally. Despite finishing dead last on the road, we take second in Group 2--thanks to an amazingly durable little red Honda named Fireball, a relentlessly determined driver and co-driver, and a service crew that would make that old TV-show improviser MacGuyver proud.
Continue reading Onto the Podium from Back of the Pack.