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JoMo's Musings: April 2009 Archives


I know a bunch of you are following us/me on Twitter/Facebook and Myspace(and if you're not, add us up!), but I wanted to check in again with some personal and team updates.

Spring has finally come to Triple Caution Farm here in Maine. In fact, the Daffodils out back bloomed about 2-3 days ago. Very nice! Each year, I snowblow a huge pile of snow in the yard, and it's always fun to see how long it takes to melt come spring. This year, it lasted until April 25th! Crazy.

Team members have been busy. Dave and Rob hit a RallyX in NH last week in Rob's car and did very well. Apparently it was a blast! Mikey Rad went to an AutoX in NH. Eric W just completed the cage in his WRX and bought a tow rig. He has officially dove into the deep end! George started his Factory Five Cobra up for the first time last weekend. Can't wait to see some pics/vids of the final product! :-)

T-4 hasn't moved off the trailer since 100AW in Missouri. She's getting a bit pissed at me, I can tell! ;-) I have a front mount intercooler for her, so hopefully that will make her happy. :-)

Been working on my daily driver WRX wagon. I rear ended someone a couple months ago(I know, I know), and decided I'd put an '07 nose on it. It's an '05 and the parts cost the same, so why not? A bit of cutting and welding, and the nose is just about on. Needs a new timing belt and radiator, then it's back to the body shop for final paint and fitting. It'll be nice to have it back as I've been driving the Sprinter daily. That's not a bad thing, as the Sprinter has the Euro coolness going for it, and the best stereo in the LDR fleet!

Fitness continues to be a challenge and taking up a lot of my time. I'm not an active person-honestly. I'd much rather sit on the couch or preferably lay on it and close my eyes! ;-) Trainer Scott asked if I wanted to do a 50 mile bike ride last weekend and, although terrified of the prospect, I figured the worst that could happen is that I'd have to stop.

Joined a group of seasoned riders and headed down one side of the Penobscot River to Bucksport, across the new bridge, and then North again towards Bangor. Lots of climbing, which I'm still sucky at. Coming back was ALL uphill though, with a nice headwind. I cramped up at about mile 30. Couldn't straighten my legs or they'd stay that way, so I just kept riding. About 41.5 miles, I threw up the white flag. The group was long gone and I called my wife to bring the Sprinter down to fetch me.

So, we have the Trek Across Maine coming up in June. Three 60 mile days of riding. If you'd like to support my suffering(for a good cause), please check out my pledge page at:

The Maine Lung Association needs the cake to help fight these diseases, and I need the support to keep my butt on the bike! :-) Please consider giving what you can.

LDR's next event will be the New England Forest Rally in July. I've heard the route will be different this year, and that headquarters will be in a different location. None of that will keep our crew from pushing as hard as possible. After a fifth place overall last year, anything is possible this year(as it always is in rally!)!

Now that spring is here-get outside and do something that puts a smile on your face! :-)

Cheers! John, aka JoMo