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News: January 2009 Archives


Damn, it's cold in Maine sometimes. That's the kind of statement a, "nummah,"(idiot) would make, but I have to state the obvious. With the thermometer hovering just below zero on this first day of 2009 and the sun shining bright, I have to ponder what the new year will bring us....

As mentioned in an earlier post, we're focusing on our first two events of 2009; the Team O'Neil Rally in New Hampshire in a few weeks and the 100 Acre Wood Rally in Missouri at the end of February. Two very different events, but both important for different reasons. The Team O'Neil rally is our second, "home event." Tim O'Neil has been my instructor over the past several years and I'm beginning to enjoy racing in the snow! 100 Acre Wood is the site of the Regional Rally Championship event, where we'll see how we stack up against other regional champions from around the country.

At present, we're working on our own homegrown rotated turbo setup for the car. This should make checking and removing the turbo restrictor easier, as well as facilitate turbo changes on event, should the need arise. A relatively simple change like turbo position creates a ripple effect throughout the intake and exhaust system, though, and we'll be quite busy right up until we leave for the event in New Hampshire.

I know that all of you have been holding your breath for my New Year's resolution(s)! ;-) I'm going to keep it a bit simple this year. I'd like to see some new opportunities appear for the rally team in 2009, as I already know we've created the environment for them. I'd like to see all our friends and families stay up-to-date with their health care and health care screening. Although I feel younger, my birthdays tell me I'm going the other way, and I know that my risk of problems increases with advancing age. Get screened!

I'm hoping that I don't hurt myself with the kettlebells I just bought. For those that don't know, kettlebells resemble a cannonball with a handle on it. You use the weight to perform various exercises. Amazingly devious device and one with a lot of potential energy once it gets moving, not unlike the rally car! ;-)

What's up beyond Missouri!? We're not sure. Time are tight, but we're still eager. We have some plans in place to seek some team support, and hopefully they'll be successful. I suspect that you'll see us at the New England Forest Rally and perhaps our favorite Canadian National Championship events in 2009.

Happy New Year! John