Thong Award: June 2003 Archives
Last Ditch Racing is proud to present the inaugural "Last Ditch Racing-Triple Caution Thong Award," to fellow New Englander Chris Sanborn and DJ Emmons for their stunning performance at the Susquehannock Trail ProRally in Pennsylvania. The thong is part of Last Ditch Racing's line of merchandise and can be seen at
Sanborn and Hathaway win the award by creeping from the back to the front of the pack, as a thong might, gaining 39 positions in the rally. The team finished 20th after starting in 59th position.
Sanborn and Hathaway win the award by creeping from the back to the front of the pack, as a thong might, gaining 39 positions in the rally. The team finished 20th after starting in 59th position.
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