Thong Award: August 2003 Archives
Having sequestered themselves for more than a week in order to focus on awarding the latest Triple Caution Thong awards, the Last Ditch Racing team has emerged with the thongs in hand, ready to present to the lucky winners.
The Last Ditch Racing Triple Caution Thong is a saucy under-garment awarded to fellow competitors at all events the Last Ditch Racing team competes in. The criteria is always variable and quite subjective. The team is presenting two thongs, a double-whammy if you will, to competitors in both the Pro and Club editions of the recent Maine Forest Rally held in Rumford Maine USA.
The Last Ditch Racing Triple Caution Thong is a saucy under-garment awarded to fellow competitors at all events the Last Ditch Racing team competes in. The criteria is always variable and quite subjective. The team is presenting two thongs, a double-whammy if you will, to competitors in both the Pro and Club editions of the recent Maine Forest Rally held in Rumford Maine USA.
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