LDR Podcasts


LDR Podcast #1 2007.m4a

Musings on the 2006 season and the outlook for the 2007 season.



Our first crack at a podcast. Many thanks to my close friend and rock bandmate Dave Goff for supplying the music you hear in the background. We try to use as much original music as possible. A lot is dependent on our time...and talent.


LDR Corona 2006 Final Report.mp3

Tune in to see how our daring duo-driver Senor Spank and his intrepid co-driver El Diablo Blanco get on!


LDR Corona Podcast Friday.mp3

A bit of a blast from the past, this is our podcast direct from the Corona Rally Mexico, a round of the WRC. We drove a Peugeot 206 front wheel drive Group N car in the event, and did extremely well except for a meeting with some local scenery. ;-)

As far as we know, LDR was the FIRST rally team in the world to podcast from an event!

Anyway, the podcasts give you a glimpse into the fun that we had. Be sure to check out our Corona Rally video, which was shot the year before we ran the event.

Cheers! John


Our 2006 Inaugural Podcast

Hopefully working with iTunes now